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Connecting Corporate Identity

A new, organic logo designed by BrandStory ties in with today and tomorrow’s food market, and  is a symbol for genuinely better, honest and exciting products.

With a completely new house style, Enrico has taken the path towards becoming visible on the basis of their own brand. Enrico markets products throughout Europe with a range of brands including Peppadew and Costa Ligure. The connecting factor is that all the brands in their portfolio offer honest products that are intensely flavourful and come from sunny countries, particularly those in the Mediterranean, but also in South Africa. This is symbolised by the Enrico brand with its organic shape. Moreover, Enrico stands for the quality that has now manifested itself in its own products, such as the Costa del Mezze line, which has already won three taste prizes in England. The newly-developed slogan ‘Products touched by the sun' fully embraces the value of the Enrico brand.  Enrico has become an umbrella brand incorporating all the great product brands and private labels in their portfolio.

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