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Desso contributes towards an improved indoor climate

BrandStory developed various communication tools with which to launch a new Desso concept. Carpet that contributes towards cleaner air in indoor spaces. This type of carpet keeps particulates at bay 8 times better than hard flooring. BrandStory created their visual campaign and advertisements, and wrote and designed various project cases.

Binnenklimaat DES10 0031 Scholenadv airM SoundM 03 HR
Binnenklimaat AirMaster
Binnenklimaat DES11 0115 Vertaling Leerstijl Sancta Maria Den Bosch NL 01 HRp.1
Binnenklimaat DES11 0115 Vertaling Leerstijl Sancta Maria Den Bosch NL 01 HR2223


Infographics make an important contribution towards the communication regarding particulates in the indoor climate.

Binnenklimaat Ademzone


BrandStory designed a visual campaign for SoundMaster, a product that Desso can incorporate into its carpet tiles as an extra layer in order to reduce noise in offices and other spaces subject to intensive use. This benefits the wellbeing of the end users.

Binnenklimaat SoundMaster
Binnenklimaat Beeld onderin

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